Ozone for cancer?

I'm starting to look into this "alternative" modality. It's widely touted by alternative doctors as beneficial for cancer and even a possible "cure". I haven't formed an opinion on it yet.


  • Treatment with ozone/oxygen pneumoperitoneum results in complete remission of rabbit squamous cell carcinomas.  (Yes, yes, humans aren't rabbits - but the data is still worth something)
  • The most serious scientific overview of Ozone Therapy I've found that's written by one of the most serious ozone academics - Dr. Velio Bocci).
    At the very least, reading his book (or whatever pages you can access via Google Books) will give you a sense of how it has been used, it's purported mode of action, historical safety etc. 
  • Dr. Velio Bocci's website and biography
  • Fascinating testimonial by a man who claims he cured his wife of cancer twice with ozone
    She did the chemo for 9 months and it was killing her. The doctor said her system was starting to shut down. I had been looking at alternative treatments from various sources & doing research on my own & found ozone. We didn't want to try it because of what the EPA & everyone else said about it, but since her system was starting to shut down, what did we have to lose? We drank ozonated water & breathed it while we slept every night, also did juicing and she continued with the chemo. Within 3 months she was cancer free.
    Now if that isn't enough, a year and a half later when she went in for her check up to see if the cancer was still gone, they said she had two more tumors. One on the bile duct & one in her intestines again. The doctor told her they couldn't give her any more chemo & there was NOTHING they could do this time. We had slacked off on the ozone for several months so we decided to flood our bodies again. Guess what? Within 6 months the tumors were gone again. This time all we did was the ozonated water, breathing ozone & juicing. The doctor couldn't believe it & sent the tests out to 4 other doctors & they all said there was no cancer. He said they should hire me. By the way my wife is the only one out of 54 who is still alive from the group that was given that chemo. Like they say I think they play with the numbers a little. ;-)
  • Restoration of Normoxia by Ozone Therapy May Control Neoplastic Growth: A Review and a Working Hypothesis
    In contrast to normal tissues, tumors thrive in hypoxic environments. This appears to be because they can metastasize and secrete angiopoietins for enhancing neoangiogenesis and further tumor spread. Thus, during chronic ischemia, normal tissues tend to die, while neoplasms tend to grow. During the past two decades, it has been shown in arteriopathic patients that ozonated autohemotherapy is therapeutically useful because it increases oxygen delivery in hypoxic tissues, leading to normoxia. Although several oxygenation approaches have been tested, none is able to restore normoxia permanently in patients with cancer. We postulate that a prolonged cycle of ozonated autohemotherapy may correct tumor hypoxia, lead to less aggressive tumor behavior, and represent a valid adjuvant during or after chemo- or radiotherapy. Moreover, it may re-equilibrate the chronic oxidative stress and reduce fatigue
  • Adjuvant Ozonetherapy in Advanced Head and Neck Tumors: A Comparative Study
    In 2004 Oxford University reported of a Spanish cancer research institutes human trial of ozone therapy. Involving 19 patients with incurable head and neck tumors receiving radiotherapy and tegafur, plus either chemotherapy (12 patients) or ozone therapy (7 patients). Those receiving ozone intravenously during radiotherapy where on average 10 years older and their tumors significantly more abundant and progressed than the chemotherapy group. But on average the ozone group survived slightly longer than those receiving chemotherapy. They conclude these results warrant further researcher of ozone as a treatment for cancer