
Guide to the Jesse H. Jones Rotary House International Hotel, MD Anderson Hotel

Guide to the MD Anderson Rotary House HotelEverything is bigger in Texas, and the MD Anderson Cancer Center is no exception!
The cancer center is spread over several 10+ story buildings.

Red Band Society Episode 2: A Sarcoma Patient's Perspective

Red Band Society Episode 2 - Sole Searching

red band society sarcoma patient perspective blog episode 2Jordi goes into his leg amputation surgery.  On his legs, he's written with black marker on one, "This leg" and on the other, "Not this leg".

Red Band Society Episode 1: A Sarcoma Patient's Perspective

red band society cancer dramaI was intrigued by "Red Band Society", a drama airing on Fox every Wednesday night at 9pm. I noticed one of the characters was a bald teenager with crutches.  "Ah, he must have osteosarcoma", I thought.  And I was right! 

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