nuwave oven

Instant Pot BBQ Spareribs

Instant Pot BBQ spareribs recipeDelicious BBQ spareribs are so simple and affordable to make in the Instant Pot, you'll want to make these all the time!

All the ingredients can be bought from Costco! Extra marinated raw spareribs can be frozen, so I can whip up this dish in no time! 

Low Fat Organic Rotisserie Chicken

healthy eating rotisserie roasted chicken low omega 6This low fat rotisserie chicken is one of my favorite recipes.  Not only are whole organic chickens more affordable than other organic meats, this recipe is quick and you can even get a quick chicken broth out of it too!  The trick is using the Nuwave oven.


Healthy Eating at Home: Nuwave Oven

nuwave oven health eatingOne of the hardest diet regimens that I've been on is the ketogenic diet.  This involves cutting down carbohydrates to about 20g carbs a day, and mainly eating protein and fats.

Not only was it difficult with the low blood sugar, but on top of that, I needed to cook a LOT of protein throughout the day!  That was when we got a Nuwave oven to help cook all the meat.

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