Healthy Eating with Cancerwife

I love to eat.  Food delights me.

Even when I stayed in the hospital for chemo, I looked forward to each meal and snack. Some of the hospital food was not that great, but I found some appetizing items!

When I had to make the difficult decision to have my jaw joint and surrounding area surgically removed, the ability to eat was one of my main concerns. The top priority was to survive, even if it meant that I would have difficulty eating. I knew that I could adapt to my limitations and still enjoy food. I was prepared to blend all my food and drink it - for the rest of my life.

It's now been more than 2 years since I had my jaw surgery. Even though jaw is shifted and my teeth don't meet up, I've been able to eat almost everything, apart from al dente noodles and chewy bread. That's not bad, considering that initially I thought I had to liquify all my food!

I'm constantly looking for foods that are healthy and delicious to eat. I enjoy cooking and trying new dishes. Quick, easy and delicious is my motto! I use the Instant Pot electric pressure cooker and the Nuwave Oven for most of my cooking. When I occasionally go out to eat, I try to make the healthiest choice I can.  

Recently I've been on a low omega 6 diet that I believe has helped my cancer stay under control.  To encourage others towards healthy eating that can make a real difference to health, I want to share dishes that I cooked and healthy choices I found when eating out

Here's to healthy eating!
